January 2018, Completion
Thanks to a big one-off donation as well as to very many other generous donations for this project, a new school building could be built and can now be used. With the traditional way of construction (paintings for inside and outside and a metal roof that protects the house against the local weather conditions), a wonderful building was realized.
The children are now living under much better conditions and received a lot of support. Unfortunately though, the political situation has currently changed in a way that makes it impossible for us to further support this project. This is a situation that we deeply regret but there is nothing we can do about it right now.
Still we are convinced that the children living there have been enjoying a continuous benefit from all efforts and all previous support.
A heartfelt Thank-You to all who were part of this beneficial improvement!

July 2016 The building progress of the Khango School Project is developing
The company hairtalk donated another 10,000 Euros, making the completion of the school building possible. The bare brickwork will be finished until coming autumn so the interior work can be finished within this year, during the first cold weeks.
As a result the students are likely to have a roof over their heads this coming winter. So they can enjoy significantly improved conditions for learning and sleeping.
Moreover we sincerely ask you to donate for the children, thus ensuring their supply of food, clothing, medical care as well as the salary for the teachers.
July 2015: Hair extensions company from Erlangen/Germany financed the building project
The school is situated in the Khango Monastery in Derge, East Tibet, which is the village where Shamar Rinpoche and Jigme Rinpoche were born and grew up. The children are from families living in poverty and they are taught under simple conditions in the monastery, because there is no classroom whatsoever. Studying, eating and sleeping take place on the floor of the monastery. The education the children receive here will allow them to either attend a secondary school or to start an apprenticeship that will give them and their families a better future.
Urgently needed are classrooms, dormitories, professional teachers and a kitchen for daily food supply. The children’s parents are not able to financially support this. The building of classrooms and the employment of good professional teachers will benefit many generations of students over the next years and decades.
Our heartfelt thanks go to hairtalk for 50,000 Euros enabling us to build the school.
Children’s situation of living and studying – before construction of the building: